One day a SKWHD-1 unit returned to Earth. Nearly 75 years late. Being as it’s home base had long since been relocated, it would be another 75 odd years until researchers discovered this particular unit (dubbed “Odysseus” by the scientists) several layers down in the sub-city of what used to be Toledo, Ohio.
Initial attempts to reactivate the unit were unsuccessful. Eventually the unit was shipped to a robotics museum in the Boston-Atlanta Metroplex. There a few parts of other SKWHD-1 units were on display. In addition to the SKWHD-1 parts the museum also had some of the artifacts the earlier SKWHD-1 robots had returned from deep space with. Mostly just space rocks these “treasures” were dubbed “Duppy” by the SKWHD-1 robots. Samples were taken, samples were analyzed and most were pitched into piles of other previously sampled and analyzed rocks.
One “Duppy” rock was kept to show off. A softball sized gem resembling rainbow titanium bismuth (“only WAY COOLER”). A curious thing happened once when “Odysseus” was in proximity of this gem. The robot lurched to life and from its audio output came “COMING SOOOON!” in what sounded like a commercial broadcasters voice. Though powered on the robot was unresponsive. Accessing Odysseus’s memory bank technicians were only able to recover a single image.
An image of what appears to be of another robot, however not one made by human hands. Or rather not one made by robotic hands made by human hands.